「MEDICA2024」に出展しました!- Exhibited at "MEDICA2024" -





We exhibited at MEDICA 2024 held in Düsseldorf, Germany, for four days from November 11 to 14, 2024.

This time, we were selected as one of the “Tokyo Pavilion” inviting 10 small and medium-sized enterprises from Tokyo, and we participated in the exhibition at the pavilion booth.

Visitors included people working in hospitals and nursing care facilities, university professors and students, and medical care equipment dealers. Perhaps because exoskeleton like the Support Jacket were rare, a number of people tried them on, and many gave good feedback, saying that they were light and comfortable, easy to put on, and easy to bend over.

In Germany, there are many people in medical and nursing care fields who have back pain, just as in Japan. We will continue to promote the use of support jackets to reduce the pain of those in the field.

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